Sunday, April 6, 2008

The days are counting done

So I near the end of my school year here at the U of S and I have begun thinking about what has happened over the past year. In terms of school as I mentioned I have found out that Commerce is not for me, yeah to making no money. O well I believe strongly that History is for me and I am looking forward to studying in a field that I have had an interest in for the last several years. Although I must admit that writing an honours thesis which although I have a million ideas in my head of what I want to write it on, writing 30-40 pages is not going to be fun, oh well I don't have to worry about that until 4th year.

In terms of spiritually I really feel I have been challenged this year, and it has really forced me to strongly think on what I believe, and acting on my faith. One thing that has really struck me this year is being more evangelical, and this is something that I really struggle with as all of you know that I am a very shy person, and talking to strangers especially about God is something I really struggled with. Another thing that I have begone to slowly start to learn is to put more trust in God, and make my faith more of a reality and a heart thing, if that makes any sense at all. So really yeah I have gained a lot of knowledge about my faith and so it's a lot about just getting all this head knowledge of apologetics and the such and turn it into the true feeling of belonging to God's family and seeing his love in my life.

Well thanks for reading my rants, and I write you all again in a week or so.
Your brother in Christ,

Saturday, March 15, 2008

The school year is almost done

Halfway through March and the end of year couldn't be close enough, classes are boring for the most part, myth class is exciting and although I do have a midterm coming which will involve lots of studying on my part for the rest of the weekend. On the school front not much is going on but I did talk to the CMRS (Classical, Medieval, Renaissance Studies) adviser this last week and so it was good to see what courses I need to take over the next 4 years and what the best course of action is to receive a job in that field.

On the social side of things this last weekend I went to the C4C planning retreat, and we talk about our plans for reaching the Campus for God next year. It was very challenging to look to that and actually start thinking of what I should be doing next year. Even this year has been challenging although I haven't shared my faith with anyone yet, mainly because I feel that there are some things I need to work on in my own life before I go telling people why this is a great relationship to have. One of the big projects that we are running next year are MDA's (Movement Development Areas) and pretty what they are is having Christians share God's word within their own college and social group. So since I was one of only three people for Arts department there (and the only guy) the three were kinda selected as the leadership, which should be fun and exciting, but also nerve-racking. Any prayers for this would be greatly appreciated and also I have to lead Bible Study next week so prayer for that would also be welcomed.

Your brother in Christ,

P.S. God is the man

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Yeah home for a week

Well I said I would write this week so here I am writing I've almost finished midterms I have just one more after reading week in stats. Other that really school is school and until it comes closer to the end of the semester when I need to talk to the History dean I highly doubt much will change. Socially well I went to the campus pub for the first time last night, shocking I know but I had no reason to go there until then and so that is why. The weather continues to be cold and miserable as I spend more and more time indoors but on a plus the sun was beginning to rise this morning when I had breakfast around 8 and so I sense summer is near. That and it isn't as hard to wake up when the sun is shining. My bible reading is going fairly well as I am slowly catching up to where I need to be hopefully I can make up some ground this next week. I have also finally managed to find a bible study for this semester as it took a while for C4C to reconfigure the bible studies. In connection to C4C the latest news on the debate is that 85% of the students attending felt the theist won, and around 200 of the 900 attendees want to be contacted for further information and so far 4 people have come to Christ, so Praise God for that. Without I will bid you adieu and will hopefully see you all tomorrow and if not some time in the next week.

Your brother in Christ,

Monday, February 4, 2008

Once more into the breach my friends

Well not sure if anyone reads this anymore but just in case I thought I would make another post. Midterms have once again come to the chilly campus of the U of S. I have to write my Classical Mythology tonight and then I have Marketing tomorrow. Luckily though that is it until after Reading Week. Speaking of which I will be home on the 15th and will be staying in town until the 24th, so PARTY TIME. School has been going alright although I have missed a few classes cause they are early in the morning and I haven't been able to get enough sleep. Next year will be a big year for me as I switch over to what I feel is my calling in Classical and Medieval history, and although I will probably be going to the U of S I will look at the U of C's program and see what which is better.

On a personal note this weekend was probably one of the biggest weekends for me spiritually as there was a does God exist? debate on campus and I felt that the Theist presented very strong arguments and as well there was an apologetics seminar Friday and Saturday and that was done by Dr. William Craig and Dr. Micheal Horner. So that was really sweet and I learned a lot of new and exciting information. Also they mention that people can get called into academics (which I thought didn't really happen as I wasn't sure how one would serve the Lord in that field) and so I feel that that might be my calling as I believe that I would really enjoy studying the time period and area of Jesus. So I will leave it at that and will get back to you guys next week


Saturday, January 26, 2008

About time for another post

Right so sorry I haven't written on a post in a long while but I've forgot to and kind of lost focus on this and many other things. So just to let you all know what's going on with my studies I have decided to drop out of commerce and pursue history as of right as my only degree. Now you maybe saying to yourself "Tyler, you fool there are no jobs in history" and well you would be 100% correct, obtaining a job in history will involve me having to get a PHd. Which I'm am well aware of the length of schooling that will take. The one big reason that I'm dropping commerce (I am still taking a few courses this semester as I couldn't make a full switch) is that I didn't like 80% of the courses I was taking and also I began to feel depressed, and therefore decided I needed a change.

So things are going good so far the one history course I managed to pick up this semester is Classical Mythology which an extremely fascinating course. Well I haven't yet to get a girlfriend I'm still looking, so we'll have to wait and see for future developments in that field. I have begun to feel myself being pulled closer to God ( which has lead to me feeling more joyful about life in general). This I mainly contribute to my parents challenging me to follow the Daily Bread read the Bible in one year sort of program. Although I've missed a few nights I been trying to make a effort to keep up with the daily readings (prayer for me to keep up with this would be greatly appreciated). I have also made I slight but fairly significant change to my appearance by shaving (O my you say it can't be true) but yes sadly the beard is gone. Although I like it now as I have gotten many compliments since I've shaved. I am also trying my best to go to the gym 3 days a week and hopefully for the rest of the semester I can keep it up and therefore come home in April a bit bulkier and not around the waist. I can't recall any other news to write about although I should mention I will be home for reading week the exact dates aren't quite confirmed yet.


Saturday, November 24, 2007

Let it snow, Let it snow.

Well finally down to the last week of class which for some of the could not come soon enough. The weather here is snowing and cold with lots of wind that drives the temperature even lower. But on the other hand I haven't been outside in a week so it doesn't really bother me. Well all my classes are back on, as the one teacher that has missed the past 2 weeks due to the labor strike has decided that we need are education. I also have been sick for about the past month as it's rez and there is always a lot of viruses, and the food contains little nutritional value. Luckily I've got a catered dinner coming up on Friday for the C4C Christmas. Besides that really no a whole lot is happening I just been sleeping a lot cause of my various illnesses, and soon I will have to start busting my butt to study for all my finals. Anyways if I think of more things to add I will. Here's the latest beard pic.

God Bless

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

3 weeks until term end

Well yet another weekend has come and gone. School is going alright I have another round of midterms this week which I'm not looking forward to. Especially Latin due to the fact that not only do I have a lot of words to remember, I now have to know all present forms as well as future. Hopefully with some studying I can do alright. I have finally gotten over the flu that I had for the past week, and although not 100% I am feeling pretty good. At the University however CUPE is on strike, they are the union that includes pretty much all staff that are not profs. Oddly enough however the food quality at the cafeteria has gone up on most occasions. However the strike could cause major problems come exam time, as they are already saying that if it isn't resolved by the end of this week graduation might well be put on hold. Also as a result of the strike one of my profs has decided that she can't cross the picket line and has canceled class until the midterm leaving us to teach ourselves the topics that were going to be covered this past couple of weeks.

Not much is happening personally, I went to a friends house on Sunday to watch the Stamps lose yet again in the semifinal game. Monday was spent with my nose buried in my books trying to figure out both Latin and Finance. I'm definitely looking forward to coming home for Christmas. It's starting to get cold out here with snow appearing almost every morning, and although the temperature is not that cold there is always a really cold wind blowing. Well I hopefully see you guys in a month after exams.

God Bless